Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Hair Loss Patient's Success Story

I noticed my first bald spot in April or May of 2007. I was just shy of 21 years old at the time, and it was scary to find a spot on my head with no hair. Not exactly something one would expect for find on a normal 21 year olds head. It was about the size of a quarter and it was located on the back of my head, underneath existing hair. I showed my boyfriend at the time, and he told his mom, who was a nurse. She suggested that perhaps it had been rubbed away from sleeping on that part of my head, and recommended that I get some kind of pillow with a soft surface that my hair could just slide over, as opposed to getting caught and tangled. That didn't work. I wasn't too concerned until the spot started to rapidly grow. It spread over the back of my head, until about a quarter of the hair on the back of my scalp was gone. I just covered it up in pony tails and up-do's. I think I was too afraid, and too in denial that something was actually wrong, to go to the doctor. But eventually I did. I went to the first doctor, who said it was Alopecia, and not to worry about it because the problem should remedy itself. Once again, it didn't. So from there I saw a string of doctors, dermatologists, endocrinologists etc. None of them really had any solutions for me, other than shooting steroids into my scalp, which for me was not an option. Mostly because of my fear of needles and the thought of putting steroids into my body sounded like something that could make my problem worse, not better.

My mother is actually the one that discovered Miyohara International Trichology Clinic. She was searching around on the internet for places that specialized in hair loss, and thank God, she stumbled upon the website. Though I can't remember exactly when I started going to see Mrs. Erkkie Harris-Wells, I believe it was around the middle of 2008. At this point almost all of the hair on the back of my head was gone, and I was starting to develop a few other random spots in other areas. It was looking like a pretty hopeless situation, and to be honest, when I first met with Mrs. Wells, I was not feeling confident that there was any treatment that could help me. But I was so wrong!!

Not only was Mrs. Wells able to take a sample of my hair and test the hair itself, but she was also able to give me recommendations for other doctors and facilities that could help me understand the deeper, internal reasons for my hair loss. She was able to explain that it was not just the hair itself that was the problem, it was my entire body and the way my system was functioning. After taking the hair sample, she was able to create a program for me that was specific to what my scalp needed. She gave me products that targeted my specific type of hair loss, and gave me treatments that would give me the best results for the type of hair loss that I was experiencing. Through a regimen of treatments, minerals and products, not only was Mrs. Wells able to bring my hair back to life, but she was able to stop the hair from falling out, and promote hair regrowth at the same time. I can happily and thankfully say that almost all of the hair on my head has completely grown back. Of course its only six inches long at this point, but it is growing back with the thickness and curl that the rest of my hair has. There is one small spot that is being a little more stubborn than the others, but with more minerals and a more rigorous treatment plan, we are determined to get that spot filled in as well.

Not only was the treatment itself successful, but having Mrs. Wells by my side made all the difference as well. One could not ask for a kinder, more generous or more caring person to go through these kinds of treatments with. She truly and genuinely cares about the people she is helping, and she puts forth so much time and effort making sure her clients get the right products, and the best products available. She has truly improved my life in a big way, and how I will ever thank her enough for giving me my hair back, I do not know. What I do know is that I had never heard of Trichology before meeting with Mrs. Wells, but after my experience with it, I believe that it is something that needs to be taught and spread throughout the United States. No modern medicine was able to help me, no doctors or specialists. Trichology is the only thing that worked for me, and I am confident that it will work for others as well. I would honestly and whole heartedly recommend this kind of treatment to anyone experiencing hair loss. No one knows what it feels like to really appreciate your hair until it is gone. I took for granted the fact that I had a full head of hair. I now realize how important it is for both women and men in regards to confidence and self esteem. Mrs. Wells gave those things back to me when I felt like I had lost them. And that is something that everyone suffering from hair loss should have the chance to experience.